Our Team
The Board of the Support Fund is composed as follows:
Mr. Reynald Jacobs. Chairman
Mrs. Barbara Delacroix – Goethals- Director
Mrs. Bénédicte Delacroix – Veldekens- Director
Mr. Bruno Delacroix- Director
Mrs Emilie Delacroix, Director
Mrs. Régine Delacroix – Deliens- Director
Mr. Roland Steisel- Director
Mrs Silvia Steisel - Director
The Board is assisted and advised in its work by a scientific adviser, Professor Rudy Van Coster, Emeritus
UGent (rudy.vancoster@ugent.be)
The Scientific Support Fund consists of nine university professors from different disciplines from all
universities. It is chaired by Professor Rudy Van Coster, Professor Emeritus, UGent.
The Scientific Council meets twice annually in order to review grant applications to the Support Fund and toprovide the Board with its recommendations in this respect.
It is composed as follows:
Professor Rudy Van Coster, kinderneurologie, UGent.
Professor Anna Janssen, Hoofd van de afdeling kinderneurologie UZA
Professeur Mikhail Kissine, neurosciences, linguistique, ULBruxelles
Professor Bea Maes, orthopedagogie, KULeuven.
Professeure Isabelle Maystadt, génétique humaine, IPG Charleroi, UNamur.
Professor Evert Thiery, neuropsychologie, UGent.
Professeure Anne Wintgens, Psychiatrie infanto-juvénile, UCLouvain