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Research grants

The primary objectives of the MMD Support Fund Research Awards are to generate, guide and support research applications, that focus on the individual with childhood-onset intellectual deficit, neurocognitive developmental disorders and/or autism spectrum disorder.

The Support Fund focuses on the prevention of disability and its complications, and thus on the search for new strategies in etiology, diagnosis and therapeutic management.

The project must be carried out by a dedicated researcher, benefiting from quality scientific supervision in a recognized institution (University - High School - Center of expertise, ...) and from a committed promoter. The applications that are scientifically well written and that contribute to the objectives defined above are taken into consideration.

The grants are preferably granted in the form of support for a doctoral project without excluding a post-doctoral researcher. The duration is 1 to 2 years. A final report will be submitted within 3 months of the end of the fellowship allowing the Scientific Council to evaluate the progress and achievements of the research.

The evaluation of the applications is carried out by a multidisciplinary and inter-institutional Scientific Council that submits its proposals to the Board of Directors of the Support Fund. The criteria for this evaluation are: the respect of the Fund's objectives, the scientific quality, the originality, the relevance of the project and its potential impact, the feasibility estimated on the basis of the applicant's profile and the research supervision.

All projects must be submitted by completing all sections of the ‘Research Grant Application’ in French, Dutch or English. The application must be sent by e-mail before April 15 or October 1 to the following address Prof. Rudy Van Coster. President of the Scientific Council.

Marguerite-Marie Delacroix Support Fund.

Delportestraat, 2.

3300 Tienen.


A renewal, which will not exceed a maximum of 4 years in total, is possible. In order to apply for a renewal, a detailed interim report is required as well as the prospecting of alternative financing. This report is expected by the usual deadlines (April 15 and October 1) and will be accompanied by an updated 'Research Grant Application'.

Papers and publications produced during this research will acknowledge the support of the Marguerite-Marie Delacroix Support Fund. Availability for active participation in a symposium organized by the Fund in the form of an abstract or an oral presentation will be assured. Doctoral students are invited to communicate in due time the date of defense and a copy of their thesis.



For additional information, please contact Professor Rudy Van Coster, Chairman of the Scientific Council: 

Contact us


Stichting Marguerite-Marie Delacroix,

Delportestraat 2, 3300 Tienen 

(Tél. 016/81.98.31), 

e-mail :

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